To the girl who never leaves her house,
majestically waiting for Mr Right to fall out of the sky,
as my brother will say dey play,
No, actually, continue playing with your life.
But as a fellow delusional romantic,
I say, keep waiting,
keep believing
keep hoping
There actually are those who meet their man in the house,
so why not you?
It's only crazy until happens
But I do bid thee, cometh thou out once in a while,
The good Lord did create us with community in mind.
So please, come out and commune with others
To the girl who wants it all
But doesn't quite know how to get it all
I am learning to dip my toes into the water one pinky at a time
No, that doesn't make sense.
Let's try that again
I am learning to dip my feet into the water, one toe at a time.
But I do put my pinky in first most times, to test the temperature
Is it too cold?
Is it warm?
Or is it just right?
But waiting for my pinky to be satisfied will only make me hesitate more
So first the toe, then the foot, then a scream!
Because whattttt??!!!
I shiver, and then I get warmed up
It is scary—more like weird—stepping out of your comfort zone.
But it is worth it.
To the girl who said "No" and now regrets it
even though she knows she was right.
Take courage
It is sometimes hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel,
but it is really is there.
So stay believing
Stay hoping
Abba is faithful
And as a wise Yoruba aunty would say, "E wo ma worry, options wa."
Don't worry; you have options.
To the girl who gave her all to the wrong guy
and ended up broken, hurt, ashamed and changed.
Changed because she doesn't even recognise herself any more
Start where you are
Pick up the large, small and tiny broken pieces
Abba is close to the brokenhearted
He does incredible things with broken pieces
Embrace the old & new you
Go again
Try again
Step out again
Hope again
Love again
To the girl who could never hold the male gaze when she walked into the room
As beautiful and alluring as Eve was,
she was not created just for Adam's gaze.
A helper,
A strength,
A force
A lioness
You don't need everyone gazing at you,
and sometimes, that's actually a good thing.
But you will have the ones who will
Ones, because "options wa''* in the words of a wise Yoruba aunty
Life is full of options.
And you will meet the ones with eyes for you
you have plenty options
To the girl who thinks she lost out on the best thing that ever happened to her
The absolute trenches
Because how did that happen
Can we get a rewind
A replay maybe?
A do-over?
I promise to do better
To try harder
To not let it slip away this time
But alas, I stand proud, strong, ready to go again.
To the girl who longs for a relationship
The desire for a relationship can sometimes feel shameful.
Because even though you long to have what is absolutely normal
You can't be hovering around, heads down, looking all lonely & sad
You also can't be out here coming off desperate and thirsty
You have to set your face like a flint
Stand tall
Like the majestic gazelle that you are
I serve a God who satisfies all my needs, and as assuring as that can be,
the market doesn't always reflect the possibility of that reality.
Which can leave a sense of hopelessness and sadness
because please, when?
When exactly?
What time?
Are we doing heeled sandals or boots
Will it actually happen?
How will it happen?
I tire ooo
because I literally can not
To the girl who thinks she has to change her entire self to be accepted
As you are,
nothing added,
nothing removed
you are amazing
Just writing that brought some of my own flaws and bad habits to my mind
I can even hear my anuty saying, "Continue ooo, continue that behaviour, that is where they will meet you."
I don't know who 'they' is
But know that as you are, you are accepted
you are loved,
you are blessed
you are incredicle
And in case you find yourself acting like a villain
Know that you can still be incredible
To the girl who is ashamed of still being single
to the one who feels like a failure
to the one who is disappointed in herself
Why me?
Why am I still here?
What have I done wrong?
Shame can be the fear of being found out.
Raised to regard honour as bringing value to yourself & to the family unit
When you are not adding value or strength to the family by multiplying & reproducing
Something has to give,
what is your use?
So to cover the shame, you make it up in other areas
To prove your worth and value
But are valued,
more than you know
you are worth everything & more
All by yourself
nothing added, nothing removed
the ladies who asked God for their inheritance when they had no more men in their vicinity.
Got their possession & bounced
So Arise & Shine, girll
that got churchy really fast
but still, build up yourself in your most holy faith & rise like an edifice