The 6th Baton is overrated perfection
The long road to faultlessness
A foggy timeless mirage
A weakness
A journey I have been on
For far too long
I am learning to fall in love with myself
As I am
When the rooster crows in the morning
And when the owl coos at night
With every mistake of the day
I reflect
And apologise
Most times
To me
To Him
And to them
If I repressed my feelings
If I took advantage of myself
If I blacked out and cursed someone out
If I did not give my best
If I overcommitted
If I was selfish
If I was evil
If I was mean
I reflect
And apologise
Most times
To me
To Him
And to them
I am learning to praise and appreciate myself
When I do the good things
The little things
The great things
The mundane things
I am learning not to shy away from “well done”
Because I did do well
I do
Do well
Perfect me is me
And anything perfect-er is tomorrow’s problem
There is no need for grace in perfection
Perfection bangs its head until there is nothing else to add
And I cannot come
And go
And kill myself
There is always something to add
Something to change
Another opinion
A level up
An upgrade
But perfection keeps you stagnant
And I refuse to die there
So, I handover this baton of weakness to you
His power finds its full expression in your weaknesses
Do your best
Remember you twirl, hit and bang
Be excellent in all your ways
I have tested and found that your best is more than enough
If the judge of your ability is everyone else
you are never going to get off that track
So do yourself a favour
Know your flaws
And Live
Understand them
And Live
Why are they bad?
What makes them flaws?
Why do you do it?
What does it feed in you?
Don’t be ashamed to tell Him
He has got you completely
Fix your eyes on Him
In your weakness, you are made strong
Be thankful in all things
Let Him be the first and last of you
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