The 5th Baton is Naked and Unashamed
As a child, she felt open to everyone’s scrutiny
In constant fear of them leaving
she was told to be good
What did that even mean?
Not aware or informed
she set off because the last time she stayed in place
she was left alone
All by herself
As the years piled on
she devised a plan to keep them from leaving
From leaving her
she was born longing to be held
she longed to be loved
she desired to be cared for
she hoped to be searched for
But she got the opposite
Searching for someone to hold her
Not just anyone, someone
she searched for love
she searched for care
she searched for comfort
Of course, lying became a companion
Because it kept her in the loop
The loop of the loved
The owned
The accounted for
The searched for
Some may refer to it as fake
But to her, it was living
Because she was not informed or aware of otherwise
The years piled on again
Now in her twenties
Experience and past relationships highlight her flaws
Eyes wide open, and aware of her nakedness
she had eaten the forbidden fruit somewhere along the track
How am I naked?
How did I get this exposed?
Off on her feet, in search of things to cover up
Something to contain the smell
It was an odd smell
A smell that could ignite a fire
It was hazardous, but she wasn’t
Yes, she had been through things
And the odour testified to it
she needed a shower
Maybe a bath for a deeper cleanse
she needed a type of water that could wash her completely clean
The water had to be different
The fountain of youth could only change her external appearance
But the smell was oozing from within
she needed living water
Water with life in it
That makes no sense
But that is exactly what she needed
Water that never died or ended
Water that would never leave her empty
Water that was alive and active
Water that would not only make her white as snow
But would keep her pure
Not for the world around her
But because she was pure
she was clean
she is clean
The crazy thing is after she washed up in Living Water
she was still exposed
The Water washed off the stench
But it kept overflowing
Raging within her
The Water was smacking against the stone walls
Monumented over the years
What type of water is this?
What have I gotten myself into?
How did this happen?
How do I stop this?
The water was only meant to clean this much
So, why is she now unrecognisable but still naked
Naked, clean and ashamed
…to be continued