The 4th Baton comes with authority; a truncheon, a baton of discipline
This is one I wish I had picked up earlier
Falling in love with 'Discipline'
Hmm, love is a strong word
To embrace discipline
Yh, that does not work either
I am learning to accept discipline
Discipline and correction
We grew up thinking it was the worst of the worst
A sign of rejection
But I am now learning it is a symbol of love
Because He disciplines those He loves
And His love for me is great
His love for us is amazing
And so is His correction
Don't be scared now
Don’t yield to fear
I have started the work on this one
you are never gonna love it in the moment
It is what it is
But I vouch that the reward is well worth it
So, accept His correction
And that of the people He has graced you with
I have raised our defensive level
To about forty-point-two percent
Once in a while, an area sprouts up
And I am ready to act a fool
Then, ask for forgiveness later
Learn to fall in love with this baton
It will serve you well
Years of pain and hurt sowed a lot of false desires
Pleasures and weights in you
That will be hard to let go
Letting go of what has served and pleasured you
For 28 years will not be easy
you will also pick up some more on your run
But always be ready to drop it at His request
you can throw a tantrum
Run away
Or just pout
But drop it, in the end
He helps you through it
you won’t be alone
Guilt and shame may try to show their ugly head
But don’t mind them
They are fishheads