The 10th Baton is Family
I love them to the moon and back
Family have to annoy you
That's what makes them family
As we get older
We are also gradually finding our own space
With different people
And different life turns
Intimate families become relatives
And a stranger becomes your closest confidant
That's one of the things that makes life fun
I pray your love for family grows
There will be new challenges and issues
Old topics that we finally talk about
But remember to start and end with love
you have been blessed with a fantastic bunch
So be the best, you can for them
Learn to receive their love
Don't assume
Get clarity
Ah, they also know you well
So it is okay to be vulnerable with them
you have all been through a lot together
you made it through together
Get angry
Share your grievances
Watch your words
Don't say what you can't take back
Even in a fit of anger
Yes, we all make mistakes
Make yours
And allow them to make theirs
Love abounds
Grace overflows
And will keep you all