Me in another Dimension
I am definitely a nudist
Lol, so I will probably not be Yoruba
Because the ass whopping will be across endless dimensions
I have amnesia
I forget the hurt
I lose myself in the music
I hate the pain
But love the afterthought
I am a fish, one of the Ernie brothers
High as hell all the time
Because I live here
And y'all are crazy as hell
I am also Naomi
When shit hits the fan and life throws dodge balls at me
I pack my load and go back home
It is not me, you guys will kill with misfortune
I am also Eve
I am sorry I hurt you
I accept my mistakes
I forgive myself
And I take time out to love me again and heal
I am Boaz
The angel of the sweet boy association
I shine bright like a diamond
I am all and a shattered version of myself
Born lost,
Then found,
And currently lost again
I am losing the will
Yet I am chosen
Broken to perfection
Found in confusion
Dancing butt naked
Admiring the straight curves
Falling in love with the stupidity
I am butt naked
And full of joy