What are your desires...
What are your wants...
What are your needs...
Why do you want them...
How do you want them...
When do you want them...
Is it too small to be a prayer
Too big to handle
Take a deep breath!
Calm down!
Take your time
It is okay to be confused
It is okay to be lost
Sometimes it is easier to stand still than move at all
Especially when indecision drowns you
Take your time
It is okay to start over
A clean slate
Relearning how to roll over
Then scooting
Mastering the crawl
And gaining your scar of victory
Through the hurt, tears and whine
You make it
So you end up standing
Despite your fear of heights
Practising your balance
You are overwhelmed with fear
Standing for the first time
But remember you have been here before
*but I failed that time*
That's fine!
You spot Abba smiling at you
You are doing it with Him this time
It is okay to try while you are shaking
He tells you you take a step
But you freak out
And seat back down
He laughs again
Because that too is okay
In the good and the bad
In the middle of a rock and a hard a place
Find joy
Find Abba's favour
He is always with you