So Hannah Montana hid her true identity with a blonde wig
If anyone found out, she would beg and make them promise not to tell
That's crazy right
What if all our alter ego's were taken away with just one hand movement
The pain, the fear
The woulda, shoulda, coulda
The regrets and joys
Happiness and accomplishments
The escapes that evolved into prisons
The shame, guilt and glory
And when we got home we could just take it all off and be a different person.
How crazy would that be
My name is Eve
I am whole
I am broken
I committed the worst sin on earth
I brought upon a curse to all my offsprings
I lost a child in the hands of another
Then I let the other one go
I still feel the hatred of my husband from the one mistake I made
Like he never truly forgave me,
I carry that weight around.
Oh to just get home and take it all off
All of it
I am Adam
I lost the opportunity of a lifetime
By just one absentminded decision
In attempetting to rectify the situation I only made it worse
I feel like I lost my father
It is easier to blame my wife but to what extent
When I look into the mirror all I see is me and my faliures
Oh!!!...to take it all off
The pressure to be this unknown person
For just a moment
To pretend today did not happen
To forgot my disappoint
To forget why I want to cry
To embrace this second without the weight of the last
It is the end of the day and I want to take all off
But the feelings of the day still linger
Was it all meant to be
Because that would make it somewhat better
I would let it go because it was always meant to be
And there was nothing I could do to change it
So I can accept the regret as a forgotten memory
A means to get on this path.
Why are you refusing to affirm that
That there was nothing I could do
That there is nothing I can do
That this right here is okay
That this "me"
In this state, is just fine
Will be just fine
Why are you slient
Why not just tell me what I want to here
I know I will be laughing about this later
But right now
It still hurts
Thank you for waiting on me to accept that it is okay
For not rushing me out
But for waiting on me while I take my time
The time to acknowledge my misdeeds of the day
And still accept that I am enough
The laziness
The hate
The jealousy
The anger
The pettiness
The love
The care
The desire
The hope
The trust
I think I get it
But why not tell me this earlier
I desperately want today to be predestined
But it doesn't look like it
And that is fine
Thank you
For giving me the strength to be the person You want me to be
You know the end goal and how to get there
I Trust You