I see you walking free
I see you breaking your cycles
I see you being free
I see you happy
I see you satisfied
I see you fulfilled
I see you full of Joy
I see you looking forward
I see you doing well
I wish I could hug out the pain
I wish I had faith enough to disperse the pain
I wish, just a wish could end it all
But all I have is Abba
So I have to leave you in Abba's care
Knowing He has your best interest at heart
Knowing He loves you more than me
Knowing this breaks His heart more than mine
Knowing He was aware of it all before even you were
Trusting He has got this completely
Trusting He has got you for me
I can not wait to hear the good news
Of you seeing clearly
Seeing beyond your years
Seeing beyond your wildest imaginations
So while I wait
I pray
I worry
Then pray again
Check in again
Then pray
Rant to Abba
Then trust Him again
I leave you in Abba's hands
He has got you surrounded
You are good
I love you
And I hope you still love you